(For those who don't know, pitchforkmedia.com is a website that publishes music reviews of the uber-snobby/"indie"/hipster variety. They're rather well-respected and well-hated in equal measure by hipster ilk; they are, for better or worse, pretty much the gold standard in online music criticism.)I just read Pitchfork's "
Overlooked Records 2008" feature, which came out today, and felt a twinge of music-nerd pride when I saw that I had already glowingly praised a couple of their selections--in one case,
lonnnnng--before they did:

Umm, Pitchfork... I'm not overlooking Paavoharju's "Laulu Laakson Kukista."
It made #5 on my mid-year best-of '08 list, like, three weeks ago.Annnnd...

Black Mountain's "In The Future" is definitely a great record. But I knew that when I put it at #13 on my best-of-the-whole-year list...
last year.BUUUUUURN!
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