25. Love Is Simple :: Akron/Family

24. The Magic Position :: Patrick Wolf

23. Dandylion Gum :: Black Moth Super Rainbow

22. Cryptograms :: Deerhunter

20. The Meaning Of 8 :: Cloud Cult

19. Neon Bible :: Arcade Fire

18. Myths Of The New Future :: Klaxons

17. Is Is [EP] :: Yeah Yeah Yeahs

16. 23 :: Blonde Redhead

15. Escondido Dreams :: Wilson/Lee/Bentley

14. Candylion :: Gruff Rhys

13. In The Future :: Black Mountain

12. Charlie Louvin :: Charlie Louvin

11. Plague Park :: Handsome Furs

10. Spiderman Of The Rings :: Dan Deacon

09. The Throne Of The Third Heaven Of The Nations' Millennium General Assembly :: Le Loup

08. Person Pitch :: Panda Bear

07. LP :: Holy Fuck

06. Hello Avalanche :: The Octopus Project

05. All Hour Cymbals :: Yeasayer

04. In Rainbows :: Radiohead

03. Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer? :: Of Montreal

02. The Reminder :: Feist

01. Myth Takes :: !!!
Yup. It was a very good year.
*P.S. - [edited in to air, if you will, any potential grievances over albums left off this list, in alphabetical order:]
Armchair Apocrypha :: Andrew Bird
Bad Conscience Patrol :: Rubik
Ears Will Pop & Eyes Will Blink :: Bodies Of Water
Haunts :: Bark Bark Bark
Hvarf-Heim :: Sigur Rós
In Our Bedroom After The War :: Stars
In Stormy Nights :: Ghost
Joanna Newsom & The
Kala :: M.I.A.
The Killion Floor :: Orgone
Let’s Stay Friends :: Les Savy Fey
Leaves In The River :: Sea Wolf
Letters Letters :: Letters Letters
Mirrored :: Battles
Phantom Punch :: Sondre Lerche
Prints :: Prints
Saltbreakers :: Laura Veirs
Songs III: Bird On The Water :: Marissa Nadler
Sound Of Silver :: LCD Soundsystem
Strawberry Jam :: Animal Collective
Turn The Lights Out :: The Ponys
You, You’re A History In Rust :: Do Make Say Think
Happy Festivus!
no animal collective? interesting...
i've got strawberry jam in my top 3. then again, i haven't heard about half your list, so i'll have to get on that.
Hmm, where you place Person Pitch relative to Strawberry Jam has a huge effect on my response here...
If you, like I'm guessing, have Person Pitch at #1, then we would both agree that SJ gets/got boring a lot faster than PP. Cheers, right...I mean: of the two, I've only kept coming back--after the first handful of listens, that is--to PP. SJ sounded too...IDM-y for me.
...so, if somehow you ranked SJ above PP, then you, my friend, are mistaken.
i guess i'm pretty predictable... yeah i have person pitch as my #1. i do listen to strawberry jam a lot, though, so i keep it high on my list (i was ballparking top 3, i don't actually have a list). what does IDM stand for?
'IDM' is one of the lamest sub-genre markers ever: it stands for 'Intelligent Dance Music'...
Jason Forrest, Aphex Twin, Autechre, Jackson & His Computer Band, etc...stuff along those lines.
To my ears, a lot of IDM is often harsh, deliberately glitchy (to a fault,) and just too, well, cracked out: everything that became a barrier to my continued enjoyment of SJ, basically...
random stuff...
I think Deerhunter was '06. I don't know how you call Animal Collective IDM. I'm glad Neon Bible wasn't in your top 10 even though it's still probably too high. I've only listened to 10 of your 25 enough to be able to rate them. IDM is probably better with man made drugs. Strawberry Jam is fantastic and not boring (all the songs sound completely different). You should make a list of your top tracks of the year.
and oh yeah... Panda Bear has the coolest album art and I like candylion's too. Patrick Wolf wins most over the top homosexual album cover.
i just saw that pitchfork released their list and person pitch was #1. i think they made the right choice, much as i hate to be beaten to the punch by those lame-ass snobs. nevertheless, their list this year is WAY better than last year.
i looked around on their site and saw that they ranked the top 200 songs of the 1960s, and "god only knows" is #1! maybe pitchfork ain't so bad...
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