Another "sorry I haven't been keeping up with the blog" post.
It's not that I haven't had anything to say, it's just that I haven't had the time to say it. I know that my hearty presence on all of my other social networks would lead one to wonder why I couldn't just, y'know, update my blog with the same frequency I update facebook and/or tweet, but I submit that those social networks are much more easily accessible via my iPhone's awesome pocket computer-ness than any real blogging platform worth fucking with. Also, I insist upon having a real, physical keyboard attached to my real, old-timey desktop PC and a quiet room in order to do any kind of thinking worth blogging. Sadly, I am rarely home often enough to do that, so...
Speaking of "other social networks," I've joined the herd and got into both Google+ and Spotify. (I'm awwpeaches on both, naturally.) The former, I'm not so sure about just yet--too few early adopters to be useful right now--but the latter...WOW. I've been on such a music bender since Spotify came into my life, which is ridiculous because my life was pretty much already a music bender without it. I guess Spotify is my newest, most amazingly persuasive pusher is what I'm saying.
But anyway and anyhow: I do feel bad for neglecting this here blog, my oldest creative presence on the web. I'm going to be doing a lot more posts about music in the near future, and I'm even considering resurrecting my Saturday Mix Series posts, with downloadable ZIPs of the awesome playlists I make, which I used to do on here way back in 2007/2008--that's right, Spotify! I'm an O.G. playlist-sharer.
I do have plenty more things to say about non-music topics as well, and I hereby promise I'll do better at giving them the time they deserve to be said properly.
Seacrest out.
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