Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ugh, Sarah Palin...

Thanks to a stop over at my internet friend Tania Rochelle's excellent--check it out if you haven't!--blog The Stone's Colossal Dream, I now know that the single highest-paid staffer on John McCain's payroll during the first half of October is...Sarah Palin's makeup artist. Who earned $22,800 during said fortnight. Seriously: how is it that, with straight faces, this woman's handlers are able to buy $150,000 wardrobes for her and pay her makeup artist the amount of money for 2 weeks' work that most "real" Americans take closer to 52 to earn...and still have the gall to claim that she "understands the problems of day to day life in America"?

As my friend Mugatu once said, "I FEEL LIKE I'M TAKING CRAZY PILLS!"

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