Monday, February 15, 2010

Ways a four-top can piss off a server

  1. Order only 4 waters to drink.
  2. Order only 4 half-priced specials to eat.
  3. Interrupt your server while he's with another table.
  4. Shake your raised, near-empty water glass several times at him to non-verbally indicate that you'd like some more.
  5. Ask for 4 separate checks after your check's already been printed.
  6. Do the "took you long enough" eye-roll/sigh when your server returns with your separate, voided & re-rung checks.
  7. Have all 4 members of your party pay in cash anyway.
  8. Tip under 20%.
Doing any one of these alone would be enough to piss a server off. Doing all 8, though, in one visit, is like painting the Mona Lisa of douche-itude. Fucking assholes.


Anonymous said...

oh baby, it get smuch worse. i am impressed though it took you this long to et upset. they mustve been some kind of jerkfaces

Kristin said...

Those people were awful!!! I still think the lady that made me half price her kids $3.00 burger is still the worst human ever.