Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Paul Shirley is an Idiot.

I may have missed the memo on this one, but since when are career journeyman pro basketball players--who have played for thirteen different teams, mind you--entitled to share their dubious opinions about music with millions of impressionable sports fans?!

Get a load of the crap that Paul Shirley just passed off as journalism in a guest piece he just wrote for ESPN.com. In it, the venerable Mr. Shirley makes his case that--drumroll, please...The Beatles are over-rated. A few of his talking points:

  1. The Beatles are not better, by any measure, than The Guess Who, Fleetwood Mac, The Rolling Stones, or Creedence Clearwater Revival.

  2. U2's album, "Achtung Baby" is superior to The Beatles' "Abbey Road". Which, by not too strechy an extension on my part, would seem to mean, to me at least, that "The Joshua Tree" ranks, somehow, somewhere below "Achtung Baby" as well.

  3. Dean Koontz is a better writer than Bram Stoker because he's less boring.

  4. The song "Eleanor Rigby", which Shirley labels as--and I quote--'primitive hackings,' is an inferior piece of music to Guns N' Roses' "November Rain" because the latter was released during the writer's lifetime and the former was not.

  5. All Beatles fans born after the band's breakup are simply poseurs using the band's music (and mystique) as social currency to seem cool. [Ed. note: this is Shirley's least retarded point and I would only disagree with the "all" part.]

  6. Oasis is better than the Beatles.

I mean, really...this asshole GOT PAID to write that shit. Just click the link and read the story...Shirley's retardation is on full display, courtesy of ESPN.com.

As for me, I'm off to find Ike Austin to see what he thinks about Radiohead's oeuvre. I'm sure you're all dying to know.


yyyy said...

This is hilarious. He hates on the Beatles AND he called the fat girl BMI. It must be Jake in disguise. Then he says we can't judge their impact, inferring that their impact is over, and a few paragraphs later admits their impact on a "superior" band still around, Oasis.
When you start your article by saying how good Weezer is nowadays, you are immediately on watch. When you follow that up by saying anything you listen to a bunch of times you automatically like = fail. So he basically admits he hasn't properly heard the Beatles and then tells me I like all the trash on the radio just because I hear it every day.

I sure hope you responded to this guy.

Anonymous said...

dean koontz??? bahhhhahahahaha. at least when you read bram stoker you dont want to skip ahead and skim through the bullshit. this man has no appreciation for subtlety. thats ok. we cant all be like you adam! (but men should try)