Saturday, August 23, 2008

Danger Mouse & Murs :: "Paint By Numbers"

Above is the youtube-d version of a definite FSE of mine, "Paint By Numbers" by Danger Mouse & Murs from a mixtape collaboration of theirs, sometime around 2005. The lyrics are below, and I believe every bit as relevant today as they were 3 years ago. Danger Mouse's free (and legal) page has this song available for download (for free), as well as a couple others he did with Jemini around the same time period.

Now in the news this evening, a hostage situation quickly turned to mass murder as the capitol lost its patience. An investment banker, frustrated beyond sanity, walked through his office and started shooting people randomly. 32nd floor, downtown metropolis, thousands in the area cleared from their offices. Even the newscaster had a tear in his eye as he reported on the loss of ten innocent lives.

Now miles overseas, let me paint a scene: an eleven year-old boy holds an M-16 and he’s shooting out the door of his one room home cause earlier that night, his dad was popped in the dome. Now he protects his mom and two sisters all on his own, cause guerillas want the local government overthrown. So he led them to a ditch, in the still of the night, under a hundred dead bodies they all hid, full of fright; and this happens everyday—different family, same plight—but nobody gives a [fuck] cause the victims ain’t [white].

But everybody makes a scene when a mid-western teen is abducted, and it sucks—she could have been a prom queen. But, let the same [shit] happen off Martin Luther King, and they’ll quickly write it off as some gang bang thing. So I’ma say what I mean and mean what I say, and I know the race card is a mean one to play, but:

If one more dies, then it’s one too many, in these third world countries where they kill so many. [Fuck] a third world war, it ain’t a second to waste, when no one knows what we’re fighting for in the first place.

Now I could stop [bull-shitting] and throw the real Molotov, and compare the black slave trade to the Holocaust. But they were both atrocities, there’s hope for stopping these…crimes against humanity from happening again. But AIDS has killed how many millions of these African men? As soon as it gets attention, we’re distracted again—by what? J-Lo’s wedding!? How the stock market varies!? Pro basketball!? Or will Bush beat Kerry!?

Let Michael Jackson be, and let gay men marry. The world is so much bigger than this [bullshit], it’s scary…how we all think we’re free but we’re trapped in a box, but compassion is the key that’ll open up the lock. So [fuck] Kobe Bryant’s [cock] and the white chick he stuck it in. [Fuck] Democrats and [motherfuck] Republicans. It’s about that time for real rap to rise up again, up out the rut that these suckers done stuck it in.

But if one more dies, then it’s one too many, in these third world countries where they kill so many. [Fuck] a third world war, it ain’t a second to waste, when no one knows what we’re fighting for in the first place.


laRoi said...

i have been looking for this song, the title, and the artist, since i first heard it back in 2005.

your post is the ONLY reference to the lyrics on the entire web!

thank you SO much.

a friend of mine made a mixed CD for me to take on my long drive from Oakland, CA to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina hit. i heard this for the first time as i was driving through the desert in Arizona. it made me cry.

i'm so glad i found it again. thank you for posting this.

Adam said...

Dude, that's awesome that you helped out (I gather) after Katrina; I know it's excuse-y to say but I was still finishing up my penultimate semester @ GMU at the time, and had just had a knee operation; but I had a friend down there too, doing reconstruction, and I really wanted to join him.

I just checked out your two old blogs, Nurturing the Essence & Deep Waters Project...there's no posts since 2006--you still blog anywhere else? Really liked what I read, man.

Anyway, I'm really glad you found the lyrics here. That song has definitely meant a lot to me for a while--I can even remember posting an MP3 of it on my old livejournal right when I first heard it and just wanting everyone else to hear it too... I even brought a CD of the song to an Ethnicity & Race class I was taking at GMU as an elective and played it for the class and my professor.

There was nowhere online that had the lyrics so I spent about 30 minutes or so yesterday listening/typing from memory. Time well spent.

Cheers, laRoi!

laRoi said...

yeah, i blog over on your old stomping ground. LJ. i've put it down for a little while, but i'll be going back to it pretty soon. you need an account to read my poetry and stuff because someone in my area was caught plagiarizing my work at a spoken word venue, so all my flows are 'friends only.'

i also have a small community blog for some of my more 'spiritual' stuff.

my personal website is down at the moment while i rethink my approach to building an effective website. it'll be up again in a month or so.

i've been teaching for a couple of years now. my money comes mostly from donations, so my finances kind of suck. but i'm so honored to be a participant in the process of people changing their lives for the better. i do workshops from time to time that are really fun as well.

take care, bro. hopefully i'll hear from you again.

Adam said...

Nice, thanks for the links laRoi, I just friended you on livejournal and joined your community--I'm "bigtemple" over there.

See you around.

Anonymous said...

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